Message Board #1


.....Under constant construction..Looking for a classmate..?? Have a question or have something you have been wanting to say to a classmate
or just a suggestion for this web-site .
Please leave class year and email address...

Well, just post it here......    Post It

*5/24/02  Does anyone know the where-a-bouts of Rachel Franklin S'56... ? Good friend of Linda Holland... Deceased

*5/30/02  Looking for Lynda, Mary & Faye Butler.. or last name Johnson.. Class of 57, 59 & 61..... 
*5/31/02 Looking for Louis Madison SGHS 54,55.. Used to work at Royal Farms..Thanks...Chaplain Joy (AKA JoAnn Walters) ......And does anyone have a
phone # or email for Dominic & Gloria Clesi??..
.. 7/14/03  Dominic & Gloria located....

*6/4/02  My name is Melvin McIntyre a South Gate Alumni, Class of winter 1947... I have lost all contact with my classmate.  Please help.. When is the next
reunion of 50 years plus, and where..?? Thank you..
 Please reply to:

*6/10/02 Anyone who has lost touch over the years with their classmate's and want to know about their reunion, please just call the school... They will have
the information you need....SGHS..323/567-2333

*7/3/02 This is Russ Burgess (S-57) I am trying to find Dave Anderson (W-56) Can anyone help me locate him???

 Please reply to:       "Contact Made"

*7/13/02 A request has been made to locate Marlin Ledbetter as last mention was in SG Jr High..  deceased "Contact Made" Marlin can be reached in New Mexico @505/891-0868...

*9/1/02  Ann Vinland "S-55" ...... where are you? Does anyone know? If so, please contact Zona Webb Neighbors   "Contact made"   
Ann and her husband live near San Luis Obispo...

*9/22/02.. Just a note to let everyone know that we lost Jeanie Koski (Goldsmith) S'55 July, 2000 to breast cancer and Susan Schwab (Class of 54) died
from suicide July 6, 1977.  Does anyone know where I can reach Steve Schwab S'55.. Email me at  Wanda Adair (Powell)

11/2/02... If anyone has any information on Jerome Greenwalt and/or Jerry Childs both W'58, please contact me,
 Bill Billingsley at    Thank you..

11/3/02... Does anyone know the whereabouts of Karen Bradkorb or Broadkorb... Summer'56..She married William or Bill East after graduation..
Please email me,  Barbara Allen Tedder at Batnbob@cs
.com..... Thanks   Contact made....

11/3/02...Does anyone know the whereabouts of Annette Corbin.. Please email Diana Foster Axworthy..

12/6/02...Does anyone know the whereabouts of Anita Novikoff.?? I lost track of her in 75.
Thanx... Donna Gallagher

.12/8/02..I was wondering if anybody knows where Gary Lynn Russell is??  I also was looking for Virgina McGowen..Our familys were friends and I have lost
complete contact with her and her sister..  Thanx, Donna Gallagher

.12/8/02.. Just a note to let alumni know that Della Mae Jones (S-58) Victoria Ave, SG Jr Hi and SG High
passed away in January 2002 from breast cancer......We were best friends starting in kindergarten...Donna Gallagher

12/23/02...I'm looking for an old friend... Tim Marshel (or Marshall) from class of 55... I can be contacted at   Thank You... Karen Bradkorb

1/10/03...I would like to get in touch with Bonnie Watson... This is Mike Hinnen, the neighbor across the street on San Antonio...
Email me at Thank You.....

3/10/03...Looking for Pam Stokes S-59..  Virginia (Hartley) Browning...     " Contact Made..."

3/17/03...I would like to find Joyce Erickson of SGHS Class of 1951. My email Thanks..... Anne (Duesler) Maxfield....."Contact made"

3/18/03.. I am looking for Ann Goodwin... Class of W-60... 

3/19/03...Looking for Veronica (Ronnie) Abrams..  Terry Huff..

3/24/03... This is Joe Russ, Class of 1951.. Anybody who might want to contact me, please do so.  Joe....

4/10/03... Looking for Joann Endress Addington...  Thanks..Earlene Baker (Lefler)     "Contact Made"

4/14/03...1. Russell Sullivan. He would have graduated SGHS summer 1959 but parents placed Russell into a military school in Long Beach. Russell was a great pal
from Bryson Ave. school, thru SG Jr. High and parts of SGHS. We joined the Navy the same day. He spent 2 years and I made a 20 year career and retired on
the east coast to marry and live. Last saw Russell at our 30th (??) reunion near John Wayne Airport and he was very sick.
2. Whereabouts of Charles (Skipper) Hagen and David Winter both of SGHS summer 1959 graduates and they were neighbors on Bowman Ave., South Gate.
I have continuous contact with Tim Pelonis (Chris and Pitts Bar-B-Q fame) he would have graduated also SGHS summer 1959 but his dad became ill and moved to
the Banning, CA. where he graduated from High School. Tim was at our Senior breakfast. We were a little late because I joined him in Banning for his graduation
festivities. Tim and his wife Carol now live in Rancho Cucamonga, CA., and of course he and his family are still in the Bar-B-Q business. Wayne Baldwin..

4/16/03...I would like to make contact with anyone who knew the late Frank Sisti.. SGHS Class of 53.
 We were good friends way back then...  Thank you...  Floyd Carter SGHS W-1951

4/19/03... Looking for Sylvia West (Tiscareno) class of winter'56..... Lost track of her about 10 years ago... Last known to work at the Newporter Inn and her
brother was living in Long Beach.. 
    Pat McMichael (Donovan)  "contact made"

4/22/03... I would like to get in touch with Dorothy Clemence... My name is Claudia Randle.  I lived down the street from her on San Juan Ave.. Please email
me at     Claudia Graham...

4/26/03...  Looking for Susan Vance S'61..  Thank you.. Joann Garatino

5/2/03... The "Class of '55" Reunion committee is in the first phase of planning a "50th" Class Reunion for late September or early October 2005.
We will most likely pick a hotel in the Orange County Area for a Dinner/Dance. We need help in the planning of this event. We also need to locate our classmates.
Please contact me at  if you can provide help with planning, locating classmates or designing our information page for this website.
Mary Lou "Riley" Sullivan S'55 

5/14/03... I am looking for Jack Herring S'57 and Mel Hamilton W'56..  Both of their email addresses listed here on the SG website are no longer valid..
If you or someone you know,  knows how I can contact them, please email me
. Thanks.... Lee Luft S'57   "Contact made with Jack and Mel"

5/19/03... Don Snyder is looking for Zan Recek, Class of 1969
Laura Snyder...

5/26/03....Virginia Hartley said.. Hey Dave!
 I received about 6 emails (forwarded to me by Vivian's husband) from Vivian's friends raving about the web site. They loved Vivian's page
(I'm happy they liked what I wrote) ( head bowed, looking humble) and thought the web site was really great. I still go there everyday and look around.
Keep up the good work. We all appreciate it.  Va

5/27/03... Looking for Donna Perry S-58 .. Virginia Hartley Browning S-58

5/29/03... Barbara Hooser Wright.. Class of 49 would love to hear from any classmates from way back when..

6/2/03.. I made some great friends at Bryson and SGJH, and have lost touch with them.. 
Kathy Kelly, Rachel Rozelle, Sandy Collinge... and others... My name was Tracy Boothe and I graduated in 1966.. Would love to hear from classmates from South Gate...
Contact me at

6/26/03...Class of 53 .. Hi Gang,
When trying to do some background work on classmates that have passed, I couldn't find anything on Joe Huard. I did find that his brother died in 1955
(San Bernardino) and that made me wonder if our Joe Huard was mixed up with his brother Michael Joseph Huard, Class '52. Long story short, I found Joe Huard
this morning and talked to him. He lives in Castaic and wants the 50th reunion information. Coincidentally, recently he tried to access but couldn't
make it through and gave up. Guess it was time for him to be found.   Pauline..

7/8/03... Looking for Ronnie Duke

8/9/03...Looking for Susan Vance S-61  married name of Marshal.. Joann Garatino S-61..

9/20/03..I am looking for Eleanor Rancatore, class of W50? Her married name is Abajianand was living in Huntington Beach, California. Also, has anyone heard
from Ed Kavonian who would have graduated about the same time. Last I heard he was still living in South Gate.
Thank's for any help in locating these two people.  Georgi Ufholtz Robinson   Would have been class of W56' if not had moved. 

9/30/03.. Hello..I'm Dennis Pipher class of 60 and I'm looking for my daughter Dawnelle LeAnn... She was born to Barbara Ann Ostopay and Dennis Earl Pipher
April, 1960.... Dennis and Barbara were married St Valentines Day 1960 in South Gate..  I joined the Air Force soon after...
 My daughted was adopted by Barbara and second husband Donald about four years later.. Last I heard, they live north towards Santa Barbara. I need to see this
young woman, my daughter before I die..Maybe she is looking for me
also. Who knows. I happens all the time. Dennis Pipher  Contact Made

10/7/03...I collect old SGHS yearbooks and have one from 1958 belonging to Sharon Weist who was class of 1959. I am wondering where she is now or if she is
even still living. Did anyone know who she was? I also have a book from 1969 belonging to Gwendolyn Brooks, 1939 belonging to Floyd Baumann (who is listed on, and 1935-40 belonging to Gloria Copeland. Any info about these individuals would be greatly appreciated.
Irma Castillo SGHS 1993

10/17/03...Does anyone know the whereabouts of George Griffing?...
Fred Daly S'53

10/21/03... Looking for Margeret/Margaret McCoy S-55  Thank you, Pauline Coltey...         "Contact made"

10/25/03..I am Shirley Smith and would have graduated in S57, if I hadn't moved. I did go to SGHS for the 10th grade. I am looking for JoAnn Johnson class
of S56 to S58. We lived next to each other on Katella. I would also like to hear from anyone else who may remember me. I also attended Tweedy and SGJH.
One more, does anyone know where Bonnie Stewart is?    Shirley A. Smith    
 "Contact made with JoAnn Johnson.."

10/26/03...Does anyone know the where-a-bouts of Donna Giansiracusa... We were good  friends in school and I have lost track of her....
Thank You... Diana Godman Eckardt...

11/9/03..Sherron Boone from the summer class of 57. Some of her high school friends have wondered for years where she is, if she is well etc, If anyone knows,
please leave message here......                   

11/10/03..STEPHEN HOESCHE, Looking for Cathy Williams and Mike Cecil.. write

11/24/03..Hello. I am looking for Mary Welton. I lived in South Gate from 1966 to 1980. Went to the Junior High and High School (class on 1970).  I also worked
at Wesier Lock right behind Lucky Boys. So much has changed about South Gate  (so sad). Anyone that remembers Mary or me, please write..
Sandy Eaves( Sandy Wheaton)...          MissDowneyy@cs.

2/13/04....Lorraine DeRemer and Debbie Long, both of class of 69 are looking for Steve Swanson from the same year except he left SG before the senior year
and ask if anyone knows of his where-a-bouts at this time...    Thank You, Lorraine

2/26/04...Roberta Ballard, Looking for Tonya Jean Berry S'58, Charles(Chuck) (Skip) and Beverly Hagan. Bev married Nick Koretoff and Chuck married
Margie Vance. Chuck graduated in 59 and Bev graduated in 60. If anyone has any info e-mail me at .   "Contact made"
Thanx, Roberta (Bert or Bertie) Ballard Medina

3/15/04..looking for Richard & Don Yeates......Mike Ireland.......Doug Knapp........Contact me a whiffle ball dot com, why didn't we invent it????
Thanx....Gerry Schultze S'58 

3/17/04... Looking for an old friend, Suzie Madsen... Class of S'59..
Thanks... Gene Huber S'57

4/10/04...Looking for Ken Jones S'57.. I was his next door neighbor in South Gate..
Thanks..   Don Day W'61

5/6/04...Would like to locate Caryl Jones of Summer '60 Class. It has been many years, and Caryl and family were in Liberia....Thanks....Bonnie Edwards....

5/13/04......Looking for old buddys Gary and Dale Plasch we go back a long time ,my name is Jack Herring, my email is or
Information received questions answered...

5/28/04...Looking for Jacqueline (Jackie) Walker. She lived on San Antonio in SG. Graduated in either 1952 or 53. Jackie had two brothers; Richard (Dickie)
and William (Billy). Jackie married Carl Porter and I have not heard anything since. Shirley Marciniak (Martin) would love to hear from anyone who might know her

6/6/04...I'm just wondering if anyone has any more information on the death of Tommy Stapleton. I'm anxious to hear about his life before. 
Thanks, Martha 
Information received questions answered..

6/16/04...Does anyone know where Elaine Galvez is? Summer '59     Reply to: Lloyd Lane

6/19/04....My name is Judy Glover, I did not attend South Gate High, but I'm looking for someone who attended your school and graduated in Summer 1949. 
Her name is Grace Lee Ellen Goheen, she lived on San Gabriel Ave. across the street from the elementary school. I think she lives in Naples, LB, but I have lost her
address and do not know her married name.       
"Contact made"    Please contact me by email:     or phone 714-229-9093. Thank you. 

7/1/04...Does anyone know what happened to John Palmer he lived on Hunt Avenue in
South Gate? He would of graduated in 1965.  Thanks, Susie

7/7/04... Does anyone know the where-a-bouts of Deedee Church from class of Summer 58.. 
 A former South Gate teacher would like to contact her... Dave  deceased

8/7/04..Does anyone else remember "Mrs. (Lucille) Harwood's School for Tiny Tots" (aka Tiny Tots), a private pre-school and lower grades school taught in the
Harwood home on State Street in South Gate? I attended Tiny Tots for 1st and part of 2nd grade as WW2 was winding down, between stints at Bryson Avenue School.
Rick Albright/ 

8/21/04...I would like to make contact with Betty Koch. She would have graduated in the late or mid 40's. Anyone out there that might know Betty, or knew her,
I would appreciate hearing from. She went to USC after leaving SG and married Bob Bastian, later divorced. She was a bathing suit model for Mary Webb Davis Agency
(I think that was the name).  Thank You  Zona Webb  
Contact was made with Bob Bastian and no one knows where Betty is now living.
It is suspected she lives in New York or New Jersey.

8/23/04...Looking for Karel Houtz Peer; class of 55 or 56. attended State Street School K-6, lived on Cudahy St. in HP. Played in SG Youth Band. I am Barbara
Willis Raymond, HPHS 1957. Karel was my neighbor.     Interested in finding her. Barbara.   
"Contact made"

8/27/04...I was wondering what ever happened to the Travis Twins W 53. 2 great gals that I went from K-12 with.   I'd really like to know what became of them.
   Richard "Andy" Anderson W53. 
"Contact made"

8/31/04....Does anyone know the whereabouts of Maria Vicencio (Caspers) S'56 ?.. She did live near boat docks, Belmont Shores, but mail came back to me. 
Judy Zeigler
"Contact made"

8/31/04..Looking for John Gage and George Yoder, class of 54. Thanks, Chuck Guccione..

8/31/04... Class of 64...My brother, DAN SCHULTZE, was just diagnosed with inoperable liver cancer.......your prayers and messages would be appreciated........
Gerry Schultze at   ......thanx 

9/3/04... I would like to contact Joan Benivedez and Pat Wold.  Both went to Bryson and So. Gte Jr. Hi. Don't know about high school since I moved from
South Gate in the 9th grade. I was born in So. Gte in 1936, lived on Hunt Ave. Tamara Purdy. 

9/3/04.... Remembering Nellie Johnson (Parque). SGHS 1951. We were neighbors (corner of San Vincente St. and Mallison Ave). Nellie was known by her
nickname "Doodles". We were play-pals and buddies from about age 10 through Jr. High school. We often played duets at my home, she on the clarinet and I on the violin.
Nellie had two sisters, Sheena and Dolly. I would appreciate hearing from anyone who knew her......Floyd E. Carter'51

9/3/04...Mr. Dale Eymann, music teacher, band and orchestra conductor at SGHS while I was there (1948-1951) has passed away. Dates are uncertain.
This information from our colleague Dr. Eugene Engels (W '51). I played in the orchestra under Mr. Eymann throughout H.S., and he was an inspiration to us. 
Floyd Carter W'51...

10/3/04... Looking for Dick Stolarz S'57.. Thanks, Elaine Langsdorf

10/14/04.. Lost Teacher.. Does anyone know where Mr. James E Burke who taught Art at SGJHS is? My brother Ralph Rizzo is trying to locate him.
Ralph graduated from SGHS in W'64. Mr. Burke must have been at the junior high in the late 50's. Pls reply to THANK YOU  

10/17/04.. I'm trying to find Bonnie Ritter Meakin, Class of S'54. Last I heard, she lived in Huntington Beach and was a Dispatcher for the Huntington Beach Police
Department. She was a good friend in high school and after when we were both newlyweds. I'd sure like to find her. Marlys Nelson Grodt
Bonnie Ritter Meakin Located...

10/26/04... I just found out about the death of my old friend Bill Kroening S-54. Does anyone have any information about his family or their whereabouts,
Bill Bailey S-54

10/28/04...I'm looking for Marlene Mathews known as Molly. Would have graduated in 1964. She married John Jones and moved to Tennessee in approx. 1967.
She had a couple of brothers, one of which was Dave. My name is Janice Laird (now Holder) from class of 1964. My email is .
Phone number at work 818 991-8900. Your website is the very best. I get lost in Classmates but yours was easy. Thanks. 

10/29/04.. The class of S'58 Hazen Singers are planning a reunion for Feb 5, 2005...
What we're trying to do now is locate as many of the group that were in Hazen Singers during 1958.  Some of the missing include Nan Leatherwood, class of 1959?,
and Dennis Outerbridge, class of 1957?  Please contact me at     Thanks, Russ Huber

Opinions expressed are mine and not those of Rohm and Haas Company. 

12/18/04..I would like to get in touch with or find out what happened to Sandra Alibozak. She and I went to junior high together and stayed in contact until about
junior year of Huntington Park High School. I was told you might be able to post something on your bulletin board. Thanks for any help you might be able to give me.
Betty Dowler..Class of 1966,  Huntington Park H.S.

1/3/05....The Margaret Hazen Singers are planning a reunion in 2005. We will be getting together on 2/5/05 and invite anyone who was a past member of the group or
just interested to join us. We are looking for any relatives of Margaret Hazen, former choir director at South Gate High, (for whom the group is named), so we can invite
them also. If anyone knows of a relative of Mrs. Hazen, or has any information or recollections of her, please let me know.  Thanks, Russ Huber S'58

1/4/05...Just wondering what happened to Gary or Dennis Dahl. I know that Gary was with the sheriff's dept, but am sure he has retired now. I think Dennis had a
body shop in Long Beach. Use to live next door to them when we lived in South Gate. Left in 1958. Would have graduated in 1959.    Jim Williams S.59

1/6/05...I saw on the Web site, 1954's reunion. At the bottom of the page is a picture of Cuyler Johnson and his wife. He used to live about 4 houses from me on
San Miguel Ave. I would love to talk to him.....Please e-mail me any info you have.....thanks...Earlene Baker Lefler  
"Contact Made".....

1/24/05...Can anyone confirm that we did, or did not have Stan Kenton Band for our 1954 prom??? I think that Gary Jordan, Stan's nephew, was able to get us a deal
for the band. Others, Bill Donnelly and Wally Snow think I have gone too far down the pike...    Please help me set them straight.

Cuyler Johnson, '54 ooppps   Singing Trumpet & Voice of Ray Robbins Orchestra... Well, it looks like Bob Wilson came the closest in the
Stan Kenton issue. Attached is a pTheage from the April 8, 1954 issue of the SGHS Rambler with a photo of SGHS Band Teacher Dale Eymann with Stan Kenton.
It seems that he performed at a musical show presented by the school.Sorry, Paul! But maybe he performed more than once!
Now you will be very special in the eyes of your family, Cuyler! As ever,...Marlys

2/23/05....This is Dean Allen class of 58 Lynwood High School.. I'm trying to locate an old South Gate buddy from class of 56..His name is Charles Ronnie Kossieck...
If anyone knows his where-a-bouts, please let me know at         Thanks, Dean  
"Contact made"

2/11/05..Would like to post that the class of 1970 is having a 35 year reunion at an alumnus home in Long Beach, CA; other classes are invited however limited in
numbers so first come first serve. For more info contact Carlos 

3/13/05..Does anyone know where Dixie Lee, S54, is? We were next door neighbors on San Antonio for many years. I haven't had contact with her since 1992.
Also I would like to contact Jean Felt and Barbara Neese who graduated with me in S55.  Please reply to       Thanks, Jeanine Dietrich Sheffield

4/11/05...Does anyone know the whereabouts of Ron Ulrich (Class of W'55) or his younger brother, Barry Ulrich I believe. We would love to contact Ron for our
50th reunion which will be held in October of 2005. The reunion in May of '05 is mainly for the summer class th
ough of course others are welcome.
Thanks, Alicelynn Ekberg Cockrill   Contact made... Ron found...

4/18/05...Would love to make contact with my old childhood friend, Darlene Ingalls. I know she married, had twins and moved to Tennessee, I think. Any leads would
be appreciated. Thanks,  Harlene Nichols Goodrich W/55

5/3/05......Barbara Silvers/Welsh. & Danielle Stoddard  have always wondered what happened to Callie Scofield as we have lost contact with her for many-many years. 
If you know Callie's where-a-bouts please contact  us @        Thanks, Barbara

5/5/05...Finding Diane...I would like to get in contact with Diane Aprato, W 1959. We were friends for a long time and have lost touch.
Thanks, Rita (Hutchins) Suthers

5/7/05...Would like to find Pat (Teesa) Conway (W'62). She and her Mom both worked for years @ Weinmans in Huntington Park.
Nancy (Lyle) Smith - W'62

5/23/05....Does anyone know anyone planning a reunion for the Summer 61 class????   Thanks...

5/24/05....I am trying to locate former Neighbors that grew up on Cudahy Street in Huntington Park in the 40's and 50's and and into the 60's. A few of the people
that I have names for are, Roberta Dyke '50, Joan Mershon '63, Sylvia Tiscareno W 56 and two others that I don't remember their years of graduation are Phil Moore
and John Dobson who's father was a teacher at South Gate. I may be contacted a
t        Dick Brown class of '53  "Contact made"

6/1/05..Hello, My name is Kim Woodruff. My mother, Mary (Jones) Keller attended South Gate High. She would have graduated from South Gate in 1958 had she
not moved to Stockton, Ca in 1956 (I believe). A fellow class mate of hers, Joe Gentry (class of 1956), told me of your web-site and suggested I make a posting here.
I am looking for another class mate of hers, Anita Novikoff. My mother died April 15, 2005 after a five year battle with breast cancer. She had so many fond memories
of her time at South Gate, and my family would love to here from anyone who knew her, and would like to share their memories of her.
You may contact me at:       Thank you, Kimberly 

6/3/05 Hi, I am looking for Margie & Dolores Bienvenue , the last time I saw Margie she was living in Alaska . If anyone has heard from them please let them know I am
looking for them. Louella Myers class of 80 . My email is

6/4/05...Seeking information on Carol Graham and Mary Ann Walker, both member of W'61 class. I have heard that, sadly, they both have passed away.
Could someone please tell me their married names and/or the dates of their passing?....... Thank you so much.....  Jan (Christenson) Davis

6/9/05.....Well I got info on W'61, now I need info on the S'61 reunion. Can anyone tell me if anything is planned for a 45 or 50 reunion???  
Thanks... Paula

6/11/05..... Tom New.... Class of 54 passed away March 10, 2005 and his funeral will be in Brea, CA  June 24 at Memory Gardens. 
Gail's email address is:
    In case anyone would like to contact her now or in the future....

6/20/05....  Hi ! My name is Patty Whitington(Baker),Class of '73.I left So.Gate so many yrs.ago,and have been so homesick. This website is awesome. thank-you from
the bottom of my heart. If anyone from the years. I attended would care to contact me, do so my e-mail is Again, THANKS!!!!

7/2/05...Looking for the sister of Virginia "Ginger" Collins Frase. Ginger graduated in W'61. I was one of her classmates and would like to know about Barbara.
Thanks.  Jan Christenson Davis

7/20/05...Anyone know where to find Sharon (Sharee)Johnson. We were friends for a long time. Please contact me at 

8/18/05  Received word yesterday that Deward Terry Huff passed away in So Cal from heart failure..

8/27/05...I have recently spoken with the widow of Ronald L. Clement in Cookeville, TN. Ron passed away in Nov. 2002 just days following his 70th birthday.
Ron leaves a wife, 4 children and 10 grandchildren, all living close by in TN.  Ron was tracking with SGHS class of 1951. His parents moved away from South Gate while
Ron was in his senior year, so Ron completed schooling in Inyokern, CA. My last phone conversation with Ron was about 5 years ago. He was suffering from kidney failure
at that time.       Best wishes, Floyd Carter W-51

8/29/05.....I would like to get in touch with Sonnie Robertson (S-61)     Steve Dufau (W-59)          Contact made 9-27-05

8/30/05...   Does anyone have any info about a '58 graduate, Robert (Bob) Sichting?
Contact his old buddy, Rich Miller:    
"Contact made" 10-5-05

9/12/05....Chuck Sears, Summer 58, passed away on Sept. 7th, 2005, as the result of a brain tumor. A memorial service will be held at St. Simon and Jude Catholic Church,
20444 Magnolia Ave., Huntington Beach, Ca. at 10 AM. Chuck was a basketball star for SG and had many friends. May God bless him.     His buddy, Bill.

9-17-05..... I'm Mike Aldridge and I'm looking for an old friend Bill Stoner S-58. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I can be reached at       

10/15/05.....I graduated in 65 but knew a lot of people from 61', 62' and 63'. Dale Anderson, Steve Schwartz, Steve Sheldon, Paul Arnold, Mike O'Donnell,
Brenda Nelson. Mostly football and car club members, Tweedy Blvd crusers. And A&W Rootbeer patrons, in Bell does anyone remember?   E-mail address is -

10/24/05... i am class of feb. 1961.. Wayne Shaffer,. Does anyone know the where abouts of Dave Hagler, ,Andera Priest,  Andy Priest ?

10/31/05..I was with group of guy's from 52 - 54 classes at a luncheon and someone asked me what happened to Bob Burns. He married Darlene Markel when got out of HS,
in fact I was in his wedding. I think they are divorced. If anyone knows anything about him I would like to know. I lived at his house my senior year.
Al Edwards -         Thanks, Al

11/18/05.....Today is Terry's birthday. (Class of 50). He died past 16 august from heart failure. Today, he would have been 74 years old... Happy Birthday Terry.
Rest in Peace. maria

11/24/05.... Need help in finding the whereabouts of Barbara Nelson class of 58 who lived on Evergreen SG.. Married a Gary Brown -They had a daughter
named Roxann-divorced ,Barbara remarried to a Neil (last name) thank you -Patrick (Red) Purcell

12/30/05....Diane Allread, class of 54 passed away Dec. 28th. Her funeral will be Wed., Jan 4, 06, at 3 p.m. Forest Lawn, Cypress.
Jerry's address: 7934 Quill, Downey, CA 90242

 12/5/05.....I have looked over your lists and those of  I am searching for any information on Jan Eugenia Taylor.  She was a Past Worthy Advisor of
Guardian Assembly, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls.  She was probably in the Class of 1954.  She married.  Her husband's first name was Jon.
My Email address is     Richard 'Dick' MullardS 52

12/31/05....Looking for an old friend, Sonja Haas, class of 1956... Bob Henry ...

1-15-06....Maria, I read your post re Terry has died. Was this Terry Loy Class of 1950?  
Ray King W'56 for John King S'49 Please let me know.   Thanks, Ray  Received answer..Was Not Terry Loy

1-16-06....Does an7yone know the whereabouts of Juanita Escorna , -W'54, if so, please contact me
 Dottie Whittington Clark...       Thanks.....

2-11-06.. Looking for Bonnie Lacher.. class of W'68.. Thanks. John Swanson

2-13-06...I was wondering if anyone remembers my sister Mary Grippe. She passed away and I miss her so much.
If you remember her please let me know. My email address is         Thanks Angie

2-21-06..I am seeking the whereabouts of Jan Eugenia Taylor, PWA of Guardian Assembly, Order of the Rainbow for Girls. She graduated from SGHS, probably
Class of '54.  Thanks,  Richard 'Dick' Mullard    "Contact made" 3-1-06

2-25-06..Class of Summer 60. Would like to locate a Caryl Jones who lived in Cudahy that I graduated with in 1960. Married Darrell Jones who last I knew was working
for Firestone Tire & Rubber (South Gate) in Monrovia, Liberia. Bonnie (Hofmann) Edwards -

3-14-06..I would be interested in finding e-mail addresses for teammates who competed on the SG Gymnastics teams in the years 62,63,64 and 65... I realize that this
is pretty far from your graduation date, but I know through Marilyn Bell, who spearheads the '63 news that you may be able to guide me to the right locations.
Thanks for the time and any help you can provide.  I also have brothers who graduated earlier. John Rechs, '50/51 ? Robert Rechs, '53/54? William Rechs, '59.
Are there web sites they can contact?   Bernie Rechs, S '63

3-28-06....Does anyone know where John Stefancic class of 63 is living?  or his sister Madeleine Stefancic-Hudson class 61.. worked at Chris & Pitts in Southgate,
Hudson was married name but divorced in the early 70s.. She has a daughter Terry,  Please contact Marion (John passed away 7-29-95)

3-29-06...Does anyone know anything about Billie Ryan, class of '64. I would love to find her. 

4-5-06....I'd like to post a message to see if there are any plans for a 50th reunion for the class of '57.
Thanks for your help.   Martha Willis Pierce - S 57'

4-11-06....Does anyone remember and know the whereabouts of “Theresa Pellitier” (Sp - ?) who attended South Gate Jr. and High School and would have graduated
approximately 1964 but moved away before graduation? An old friend with whom I would like to contact. 
Thank you.   Ralph A. Rizzo ( Class of W'64)

4-19-06....Hi, I left a message on 1-18-06 about my friends Sue Green and Laureen Budd. My e-mail address has changed. It is  .
Hope someone knows something about them, as I couldn't find their pictu
res in the yearbook section. We all would have graduated Summer of 1956. 

4-20-06....I would like to know if anyone knows where David Roberts (class of 56) is,?  He lived across the street from me in South Gate on Hunt Avenue and
had a dog named “ Sandy ”. Just wondered whatever happened to him.

5-3-06...A very special 'thank you' to those of you who voted for our Nomad in the 'online car show' - we won! The win was extra special as we found out the results
yesterday - my husbands birthday. Thanks, again............... Nancy 
     Congratulations Nancy

5-6-06...For anyone who maybe interested. Joeann High, my sister, died on 05/01/06 from lung cancer. She was from the class of 1948. Thank you.
Raymond High... S'56..    Have a Great Day!

5-7-06...As you all know South Gate people have a very special bond. I thought you would like to know, my brother David Lumsden class of 61 passed away on
April 26th, 2006 in Palm Desert Calif. He died from a heart attack while fighting bladder cancer.....Best to all  Gene Lumsden

5-10-06...My father William Carl Holgate, born 9-20-1926, died today 5-9-06 at the age of 79 years.  I believe he graduated class of '43.   Nancy Holgate

5-22-06...I'm looking for a couple of people: Bruce Anderson Class of '63-'64,   Bob Hivner Former Varsity football coach and '55-'56 alumnus..
David Desrosiers Class of '67  Also does anyone know how , if at all, I can access old editions or portions of the South Gate Press and/or Huntington Park Signal? 
Thanks.....Doug Swaim  S '67...818-974-1640

6-4-06....This is Bonnie Myers Conner, class of W'53. I would like to locate Donna Afansev Perry an
   Bill Spendlove.     Thanks,    Contacts for both made....

6-13-06....My name is Bruce Willingham... I'm looking for anyone that graduated Winter 1958. Also looking for Alan Nicholson that graduated summer 1957.

6-20-06...My sister Donna Fenner ( Weyer ) husband Art Weyer passed away May 31, 2006 after a long battle with Cancer. Donna was in the class of
W'54, she now lives in Arizona. Bob Fenner

6-27-06...   Does anyone know what happened to Ronnie Markle? I believe he was the class of 1964/5.

7-7-06...Does anyone have any information on a reunion for S'61 this year? Claudia Pomeroy Lewis..

7-15-06....Hi Dave, I'm looking for Marilyn Mathers, class of S-64 and Rosie Gernazio class of S-65. If anyone has any info on either of them please e-mail me
    Thank You

7-20-06....I am looking for Mary Welton, Class of 1970. She had older sisters, Ruth and Peggy Welton. I miss my old friend. Please Mary, if you see this, contact
Nancy (Pryfogle) Payne, Class of 1971. My email address:

7-22-06...I am looking for a Ram Rods Car Club Plaque to be used as a pattern for making a copy or two. I lost mine over the years......    
Dennis Terry Class of S’57

8-1-06...I have been in contact with John Uttz of S'57 class. He, Emmette Hayes and Cary Jo Hill, are trying to put together a reunion for our class.
They are thinking of Sept/Oct 2007 in either Long Beach or Orange County. John can be contacted at for any classmates interested in
contacting him.  Thanks,   Martha Willis Pierce

8-4-06...Hi looking for Don Clark, class of 64, has anyone heard from him....thanks,

8-8-06...Received a e-mail from Vern about Don Clark.. What's your email Vern and last name thanks..

8-14-06...Hi Vern, still looking for your last name and your e-mail, looking forward to hearing from you....Sharon 

8-16-06....Looking to contact a couple of friends that graduated with me in summer of '70 from South Gate High School. Merri Dyer and Barbara Cooper.
Laurie Cabaret (Carlson)

9-5-06... This is Vern De Bilzan. I did find Marilyn Mathers, but I'm still trying to find Rosie Gernazio, s'65. If anyone can help, please e-mail me at .
Thanks, Vern... 
Rosie located......  

10-2-06...I'm trying to locate Kenneth Laverne Farmer,  Gary Farmer and Diane Mead class of 55-56 or 57. If anyone knows how they can be reached, please e-mail
me Kay Passmore at 

10-10-06...Thomas Ratigan from S-52 passed away at his Las Vegas home October 5th 2006.. He was not ill and this was quite unexpected. It appears to be associated
with heart disease....Thomas will be cremated and he will be in his final resting place at The Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Boulder City, NV.

10-24-06...Ok, ok, so I didn't go to the reunion.....I'm so sorry that I was unable to (maybe I didn't want anyone to see effects of being 68 and overweight.
After all, most of you guys haven't seen me since I was slim and beautiful [joke]). So, I was wondering if there are pictures out there that could be sent to me or
is there a booklet being published, as with the 40th? Marsha Caddell sent me a pic of the W56 group and I recognized some of you. Didn't I see Shirley Bracey,
Doreen Evanson, Janice Russell, Joyce Pentland, and Ray King? There were no names with the pictures, so I'm guessing some of you guys. Well, anyway, please respond,
as I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself way up here in WA. 
         Love, Billie Holloway-Marxmiller 

10-31-06...Charlotte (Robinson) Pohlman  graduated from South Gate high S'50... For those who don't already know-- Charlotte has been diagnosed with Leukemia and
is having chemotherapy for 7 days 24 hours a day.... Here is where Charlotte is having treatments... Fresh flowers or plants are not allowed, but cards are welcome:

Charlotte  Robinson
Rouge Valley Medical Center 2825 E. Barnett Road
Medford, Or 97504    1-800-944-7073   Room 3307

12-5-06...... Class of 56...My Mom, Carol Ann Thornton attended Pius X & SGHS and I need some help from some of her high school friends to fill in some gaps.
Mom passed away back in '90, but some things have come up and I need your help!!! Anyone who knew her or my aunt, Sydnal Thornton, please contact me directly at: Any help would be most appreciated!!!  Thanks & best regards to all!!.......  Terri

12-26-06...Hi I just noticed that Cheryl A. Smith was added to the "In Memory" for class of Summer 64.  Is there any way of finding out who added that??? 
I would appreciate knowing if at all possible... If anyone knows please email me at     Thanks,.. Chuck Hadley

2-7-07... Does anyone know the disposition of the large ice cream parlor that sat on various locations on Long Beach Blvd... "Hoot Hoot I scream".... 
George Schultze

2-15-07...I'm trying to locate Ron Gold (brother of Steve Gold and Lloyd Gold).  Ron was Summer'66 and Steve and Lloyd would have been early 1960s.   
Thanks, Bill Fisher

2-22-07...Hi, I hope you will be able to help me with a query about Marilee Bruszer.  I found her name on the Deceased Class of 63 and so far that's about all
I have to go on.  I'm researching my family history and would like to find out more about her disappearance.  If there is an old classmate of hers who would be willing
to contact me I'd be very grateful.  Could you pass on this query to them please?

I am trying to find an archive of the local newspaper in the hope that I might buy copies of the press coverage.  Is there an archive in Long Beach? 
Any help or advice you could give me would be very much appreciated. Regards ..Irene Hendrie   Caithness ,Scotland

3-6-07....Anyone have any information of the graduates of Winter 62 please email me.   Bob Shaffer

'3-31-07...I'm Jim Lewis from S '68... I'm trying to locate my old friend Terry Carter from the same class... Also, any word on a 40th class reunion in 2008?
E-mail me at Thanks!!!

 3-31-07... I have just seen that Linda Duenzen (Mayer) class of 64 is on the deceased list.  Linda and I were best friends in high school and for several years thereafter.  
We lost touch several year ago and I have been trying to locate her.  I am devastated to see her name listed.   Does anyone  know the details of her death i.e., when and how?  
My e-mail is      Thank you ...Crystal (Frazier) Withey

4-13-07...I was looking at the “In Memory Of Others” and saw Beverly Wood’s name class of 1958 with no information. As I remember she married Fred Farmer
after high school and they had two boys. The last time I saw her was at our 10th year reunion 1968 and she was so happy because Fred and her were buying a new home.
I also remember her as a South Gate cheer leader for the 56 and 57 football seasons. Any information would be appreciated about her and other classmates.   Thanks, Bill Billingsley W58

4-17-07...Ive been looking for Myra Downey (don't remember married name) for years.  She graduated with me in the summer of 1966.  If you can help me find her -
that would be great!  Also, is there a reunion in the works for the class mentioned?  Thanks, Coni Nielson (Connie Lee Miller).

4/27/07   I was with group of guy's from 52 - 54 classes at a luncheon and someone asked me what happened to Bob Burns. He married Darlene Markel when they
got out of HS, in fact I was in his wedding. I think they are 
divorced. If anyone knows anything about him I would like to know. I lived at his house my senior year.
Al Edwards - .         Thanks, Al

5-2-07.....To Southgate High Alumni, I am trying to locate one of your classmates, Ms. Joyce Hennington, whose last known address was in Palmdale, CA.
Joyce was the widow of my cousin, Mark Unobsky, and it is urgent that I reach her regarding an important family matter.  I was last in contact with Joyce when
she was living in Mill Valley, and she moved in either 2002 or ’03.  She was not in good health at the time. I’m sure she would be happy to hear from me.  If you can’t
furnish me with her contact information, please pass along my phone number and e-mail and ask her to contact me.   Thank you,
H. Scott Prosterman...  Berkeley, Ca  (510) 395-2856
Contact made...Joyce moved back to Mill Valley...

5-22-07  Hi all.  I attended Tweedy Elementary from 1957 to 1964.  I see at least one person here went to Tweedy, too.  Was Mrs. Lucas principal during your years?
I would love to hear of any other Tweedy memories anyone has. I've heard that the Tweedy family, after whom the school was named, ended up in Ventura County
in later years.

My memories of South Gate are so very special.  It was the best place to grow up in - - friendly, homey, unpretentious, but nice.  Has anyone heard of any reunions in the works?
Does anyone know the first year SGHS was in existence?  Take care, all! 
 Chris (Huerta) Riehman     SGHS 1970

5-22-07... Hi... I am looking for some old chums from my grad class of S'59.  Where is Marlene Leisey, Nan Leatherwood, Jackie Brooke, Murleen Otwell and
Norman Usher.???  A few I kept in touch with for some years after grad. but have not heard anything for years.  Thank You,  Andrea Lement McKinney

7/17/07 - Does anyone know the address or phone number for Karl  B. Pomeroy or William Pomeroy from Class of 1970/71?  Need to contact urgently for a pressing
family matter.  Your help is appreciated.  Thanks.  

 8-7-07....I was close friends with Clair Kizer S'67 from seventh through twelfth  grades.  I was a year older and went to a different high school.  We lost  contact
during my senior year.  I was greatly saddened to see her name listed with the deceased of South Gate High's class of '67.  I would greatly appreciate any information
about Clair that anyone could share.  Thank you... Paul Spinner

8-13-07.... I am looking for a old friend of mine Bill Matthews, has anyone seen or heard from him? He was in the class of S'59.
Jim Travis S'59   

8-29-07.....I have been searching my whole life ( 72 years) for the cinnamon rolls we use to get at South Gate High School.  They were huge and very light. 
You could pull them apart and it would be like spider webs inside because it was so light. If anyone has a recipe that produces  those cinnamon rolls PLEASE  send it to me.
I would love to have another South Gate High Cinnamon roll before I leave this old earth. Arlene Burnham ( McIver) Class of 1953

9/2/07: I, too, would like to get the recipe for the cinnamon rolls - they were great!!  Thanks in advance........
Nancy (Lyle) Smith - W'62
Recipe for these great cinnamon rolls now posted.....   click here for recipe

9/8/07...Does anyone know how to contact Nancy Currie S`58…

9/9/07....Attempting to locate Lena Crockett S'59. She married John Gardner shortly after graduation. Lost touch with her in the early 60s.
DeEtta Craft S'59 

 9/22/07...Hi Everyone:   This note is to inform you that we have changed our email server.

Our addresses will now be:   Don -     Judy -

You can also view our family album at:
  And we hope that you are having a wonderful week.
With God's blessings,...   Judy (Sivulka) Shoff W'53,   Don Shoff

10/07/07... Judy Hamilton left SGHS in her Sophomore or Freshman year.  She lived in Lynwood, CA.  Does anyone have any information on her?
Thanks .... Martha (Willis) Pierce

10/11/07...What a great web page this is.. I'm looking for Bill Pellegrino, Class of  '52 or '54... I was told he died in an automobile mishap coming back from
Big Bear over 40 years ago.  I just ran across his photo from one of the reunions. Imagine my surprise...  If anyone out there could help me find him I would be truly
grateful. My name is Ed Shaddy (Darling) and I graduated in '53. You can contact me at:   Thank You...
Mystery solved...
Turns out there were/are two Bill Pellegrino's, (cousins) ... One from Class of 52 and one from 54.. Bill from class of 52 was killed in a auto accident when
he was 26...Bill Pellegrino from class of 54 is alive and well and still singing in Bellflower, Ca   Ed has been advised of this information .........

11-7-07.... Hello!  I am a 1970 graduate of SGHS.  When my brother and I were youngsters we had a swell teenaged babysitter by the name of Diane Carver in
South Gate.  I remember being told she went to SGHS and I remember she was oh-so-cool and I looked up to her so much.  I think I remember being over her house
while she was watching us and her putting Connie Francis's "Lipstick on Your Collar" on the record player.
I would love to say hello to her if anyone knows
where she is.
Thank you.
Christine M. Riehman

11-9-07... A very ill SGHS alumnus from the mid 50's.. Robert R. Putman is trying to locate 2 old friends....Clifton McCurry S'57 and Patricia Thompson W'58..
 Mr.Putman lives in Ohio and has no PC knowledge and is doing his search by snail mail and is having a difficult time...I sent him a few McCurry address's but he has
had no replies... And it seems no one knows the where a bouts of Patricia.... Any help would be appreciated... You can email me here or at  deceased  Thanks...  Dave Mandeville S'56
Location and phone # of Patricia has been found but per Pats wish's, they are not being shared... Dave

 11-14-07...Does anyone remember June Adair's dance studio?  I believe it was called Personality Studio, or something like that.  It was off Tweedy Boulevard and
I can't remember which side street it was actually on.  McNerney, maybe?
 Anyway, does anyone remember June Adair, or her sidekick (the piano player) Mrs. Copeland,
affectionately called "Copey"?  Copey had a granddaughter by the last name of Terrell - - I've forgotten her first name now - - or was Terrell her first name? 
I can't remember.
Also in June Adair's group was a lady named Eva Howell.
 The three of them used to run the dance studio, June teaching, Copey playing (never any
"canned" music there!), and Eva sometimes running a shuttle service for the students.
   I would love to know whatever became of all of them.
Thank you.

12-26-07... Does anyone out there have a address  email or home, phone number etc for Dr David Roberts from our class of S'56...A fellow classmate/s have been
trying to locate him..   Thank you.... (Deceased)

1-4-08..First, congratulations on your website.  I was a South Gate resident until the end of my 7th grade.  Our new home in Long Beach was completed by then. 
It has been fun to browse your "site" and see many old Bryson and JGJH friends. Some you might be able to help me find are Bob Wright(went with Judy Carlin),
or any of his brothers. After graduating L. B. Poly in '57,  I attended L. B. City College.  It was a pleasure to be "frat brothers" of Bob Fernald, Art Alviso,
Ken Putnam, and Ron Adams.  Bob and I spent a lot of time together double-dating, parties, etc.  I was sorry to see that he had passed away, and also Art.I would appreciate any help you may
be able to give.  Please contact me at .   Thanks, Gary W. Drollinger

1-20-08....   The class of summer '60 is currently planning their 50th reunion party. It is tentatively set for spring of 2010. We hope to hear from all classmates
(almost 500). We would like to make our 50th a grand celebration. Also, If you live in the area, we'd love to have you attend our next meeting. It will be on
February 21, 7:00 pm, at Angela Newcomb's (Simone) house in Anaheim. There is no work obligation just get together. For information, please contact Angela or myself.

Betty Irene Reyes email:
phone: 949-588-8054

Angela Newcomb (Simone) email:
phone: 714-921-1436

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